Songwriting for me just keeps evolving and re-creating itself. I have natural rhythms and themes and ways of saying things that work themselves out in different ways over and over again. I can’t say what makes one song more brilliant than another it just seems to be all the elements that came together when I wrote it, the patience and hard work to see it through and the resonance on the other end.
—Katie Herzig, Artist, Songwriter, Producer |
Finding your voice as a composer takes years to figure out. Stop trying to be John Williams. If they wanted John Williams they’d hire John Williams. You have to go through that process to figure out what you’re good at. Imitation is a stepping stone. Once you can let go of that, you’ve found your voice.
—Steve Barden, Composer/Author |
The best collaborations happen when you are working with people you trust to be open and share ideas freely. It’s important for all parties to know that their ideas will be respected, encouraged, and protected. As collaborators it is our responsibility to be sure we enable our creative partners to bring their best energies forward and be willing to care enough to push through any plateau.
—Nitanee Paris, Award-winning Songwriter, Partner/Director of A&R, ArtistMax |